Sunday 13 September 2015

This is What Happens When You Ask Ronaldo a Question Too Many

Cristiano Ronaldo leaves an interview mid-way after a journalist asks too many questions in a row.

Portuguese Translation:
(0:30) CR Adviser: (says something imperceptible, but seemingly criticizing CR for keeping answering the interviewer's questions);
CR: "I'm not in charge here, and he keeps asking me questions"
Adviser:"Let's go."
CR: "You want me to be an asshole to the man?" (takes off headphones and shakes interviewer's hand). "My friend, thank you very much."
Adviser: "You just had to say..."
Then CR angrily interrupts him: "You guys are the ones who have to do that part (referring to stopping the interview), it's not me who has to do it and be an asshole to people."
Adviser: "You just have to stand up and leave."
CR: "Nah, that's not..." ("the proper way to do it?" Sounds like that was the meaning of what he was about to say, but the video was cut there.)

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